Eminent Domain, A socialist value?
Isn't the concept of "for the greater good" a socialist value. Everything for all? The individual be damned.
Eminent Domain is being abused. Taking private property away from someone and giving it to another private concern is nothing more than legal theft. I don't think our forefathers intended for the concept to be used the way it is being (ab)used today.
To me, public use is highways, libraries, courthouses, NOT Walmarts, townhomes, marinas or shopping centers.
It is sad, no, shameful, when an elderly woman is forced to move from a home that has been in her family for a hundred years.
But how? The Supreme Court is no longer the sounder of individual rights. Lately it has catered to the far right and has begun to ignore the wishes of the masses.
There is only one way. We must begin a petition to strengthen individual rights in the excercise of Eminent Domain. Better yet, let's abolish E.D. altogether.
Make these privateers have to negotiate with people for their property.