Friday, July 01, 2005

O'connor announces Resignation... This is not good.

July 1, 2005

image Sandra Day O'Connor sent a letter to President Bush announcing she will step down as soon as a successor has been confirmed.

This is sad, indeed terrible news, for the liberal side of the political system.

O'Connor has been the swing vote in many issues such as abortion and gay rights and that vote will soon be gone.

I personally see this as a harbinger of more dark days to come for this country. The "conservative" right is actually doing more to destroy true American values than to conserve them. The recent ruling to allow local governments to decide what eminent domain means (which O'Connor dissented) is evidence of a socialist attitude. Destruction is not conservation. Even war is not a "moral value".

America is headed down a dark tunnel and Americans are allowing it because they have been duped in to believing that it is for the "greater good". Doing something with the pretense that it is for the greater good is the lie that every tyrannical regime has forced on its people for thousands of years.

Will it ever end? Not while the far right is in power. O'connor's resignation will only increase that power. We are in trouble people.


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